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From Vomiting When Traveling to Enjoying a 5 Hour Car Trip Without Getting Sick
We’re celebrating Maddie kicking the cycle of car sickness and vomiting. Read what mom has to say about her journey to living healthy and happy again.
“We flew on an airplane, in December of 2020, and after the plane ride, Maddie was sick at our hotel for 2 days. She was vomiting and had an upset stomach. After that trip, on every long car ride that we took, she was super carsick. It became miserable for her to drive anywhere. There was constant worry and fear over the topic.
As we tried to solve it on our own, I felt helpless. I was confused as to where this all came from, as she had never suffered car sickness prior to that plane ride. I tried so many different things. I was scared that this was her future and I felt heartsick. We gave her over the counter medications, we drove with ziplock bags everywhere, she took ginger pills and sucked on ginger candy as we drove. We even gave her dramamine and I hated how groggy she was for hours afterwards.
When I saw the connection between her childhood issues (tonsils and adenoids removed) and the scan showing the spike around her neck and the next spike at her gut, it actually made sense. It all connected.. It was like a light shined down to highlight the problem!
The care that we received from her chiropractic team is unmatched. I trusted the process as I trusted the doctors. They saw my child not as a problem to fix, but as a child who they wanted to help live a healthier life. We had some weeks in the middle, that we were warned about that were rough. She started puking each Friday, just once, but as I talked with the doctors about this, it was all part of her body releasing years of tension. When I really knew it worked, was when we did a 5 hour car ride, each way, without getting sick! I was amazed!
Life is back to normal for us in the car. We no longer have to worry each time we get in the car. She is never sick while driving and she is VERY healthy overall. As her classmates continue to get colds, she continues to live healthy.
I am forever grateful for chiropractic and how it healed my daughter. She no longer has to live in fear of traveling! She is healthy, happy and living life as she once was.”
Contact Us
85 SE 4th Ave, Suite 109
Delray Beach, FL 33483
Office Hours
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
**By Appointment Only!